2C/282 Brunker Rd, Adamstown NSW 2289

Fibreglass Casting FAQ

Dealing with an injury is always tricky, but it’s especially hard during the summer months when you want nothing more than to feel the fresh air on your skin and to enjoy the beautiful Newcastle beaches. 

Luckily, we offer fibreglass casting. Gone are the days of dealing with a bulky plaster cast wrapped in a plastic bag every time you shower. 

What is a fibreglass cast?

Casts have been used to treat broken and injured bones and joints for hundreds of years. Traditional casts are made using plaster, but in the 1970s medical professionals began using fibreglass; a bendable plastic material.

Should I choose fibreglass or a traditional plaster cast?

The main benefit of a traditional plaster cast is that it’s an affordable option. Your Physiotherapist may opt for a plaster cast in some situations as the material is easier to mould closely to your body. 

Fibreglass casts, however, have numerous other benefits. A fibreglass cast is lighter and more durable, giving you wide range of motion and allowing you to complete your daily activities more easily. Fibreglass casts are also known to produce less sweat and odour, which will leave your skin cleaner and less itchy. This is especially relevant during the warmer months or for active people.

Combining a waterproof lining and fibreglass cast allows you to shower, bathe, and swim as normal. Because fibreglass casts are lighter than traditional plaster alternatives, they’re also easier to X-ray. This will make getting check-ups a whole lot easier for you and your Physio.

How do I care for my fibreglass cast?

Fibreglass casts are highly durable, but you can take some extra steps to extend the life of your cast.

  1. Dry your cast with a hairdryer when it gets wet (on the inside or outside). Feeling itchy? You can also use your hairdryer on a cool setting to soothe your skin.
  2. Try to keep pressure off your cast as much as possible. Don’t carry or place heavy weights on your cast. If you see a crack in your cast, come see us right away!
  3. Keep products like sunscreen, moisturiser, or deodorant away from your cast.
  4. We know it’s hard during summer, but keep sand and dirt away from your cast as much as possible. Not only will it weaken your cast, but you’ll be left feeling itchy for days. 

If you have any further questions about fibreglass casting and our available options, please call us on 4957 2961 to chat with a knowledgeable Physio.

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