2C/282 Brunker Rd, Adamstown NSW 2289

Top 5 Reasons to Get Back into Exercise

Lockdown and working from home left a lot of us sitting on the couch watching Netflix, but it’s never too late to get back on track!

Exercise has a variety of benefits and can significantly improve the quality of your life. 

Whether you’re suffering from poor mental health or stress – hello, global pandemic! – chronic fatigue, chronic pain, or other debilitating health conditions, exercise is a great way to keep you happy and healthy.

If you’re struggling to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, have a chat with one of our knowledgeable Exercise Physiologists. An Exercise Physiologist can help you to create an exercise regime that’s enjoyable and that works for you, whether its home, water, or gym-based. 

Give us a call on 4957 2961 to find out more. 

Here are the top five reasons that you should get back into exercise.

1. Improve your mental health. Research has found that exercise improves your emotional wellbeing through improved sleep, improved memory and attention, reduced stress and anxiety, and a rise in serotonin and endorphins (your happy hormones).  

2. Increase energy levels. For those suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, exercise is a proven management technique that reduces symptom severity and improves quality of life. 3. Improve your heart and lung health. Exercise strengthens the heart and the muscles around the lungs to keep them both working effectively. You will see the benefits of this in your everyday life during activities like walking up the stairs. 

4. Manage your pain. Exercise systems like Pilates and Yoga improve your core stability, flexibility, strength, and quality of movement. In fact, a recent study systematically proved that Pilates made a positive impact on patients with chronic lower back pain. Our exercise and Pilates classes will be starting back soon. Watch this space to find out more!5. Manage chronic conditions and diseases, including cancer and diabetes. The effects of exercise in the management of cancer is a growing area of research; studies constantly looking into the impact of exercise on cancer-related fatigue levels, psychological distress, and overall physical and immune function. For people living with Type 2 Diabetes, regular exercise improves the way the body responds to insulin, which helps regulate blood glucose levels.

When you first start exercising again, start slow making sure to warm up and stretch. Finish your workout with a cool down and stretch, before slowly easing back into your day. If you go too far and feel pain, apply ice and call us straightaway. Early treatment gives you the best chance of a full recovery. 

Call us on 4957 2961 to book an appointment with a Physiotherapist to treat and manage injuries and pain.

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